Friday, October 26, 2007

Where am i going with this?

Stem cell research…how am I framing my paper?
Reviewer of a Controversy
In this role, the writer reports the arguments on various sides of a controversy inside the discipline or field.

What are the arguments for and against stem cell research?
Who is for Stem cell research and who is against it?
What causes the debate in Stem cell research?

Analyzer and Evaluator of a Controversy. This role is like the preceding one except that the writer must now evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the various voices in the controversy. This extra spin makes the task much more challenging.

Which is stronger, the argument for or against stem cell research?
Stem Cell Research? Or No? How can we make the right choice?

My stem cell research report...

It's easy to find material on Stem cell research and cloning, almost too easy. No matter how i search the internet i get thousands of results. Searching and sifting through tons of articles and books makes it hard to find the ones with information at my intellectual level or articles that are relevent to my specific writing objective. So far my knowledge on stem cell research in the area of science has grown exponentially, but i struggle to find new information on the ethics side of the arguement. Scientists are generally for the research and any one with judeo-christian beliefs are generally against it.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Why and Who...

I want my paper to apply to everyone. It seems that everyone has some opinion on Stem Cell Research either for or against it. And if we look even more in depth we find that even these two categories are divided within themselves. Because my audience is so diverse I have to touch on almost every category of research; science, religion, and politics. To choose one specific audience would be to leave out pertinent information of another category. Religion must know the science aspect to make an informed decision. Accordingly, politics must learn the religious standpoint to satisfy their constituents.

I want to clear up several misconceptions about stem cell research and human cloning by explaining the process. Too many people hold strong beliefs on human cloning without actually know how its done, why its done, and the consequences (good and bad). After summarizing the process I will get into the arguments for and against cloning… I want to make in known why I believe what I believe and why you should too.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I've got a question...

Human Cloning: Is it possible, and what would the moral/physical implications be if we succeed?

Why do so many people oppose Human Cloning and Stem Cell Research if the projected benefits are so great?

Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning: Scientists live for results, but who dies for results?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Exploring My Research Topic

Part I: Exploration

1. Identify the issue or problem that you plan to focus on in your research project.
Human cloning and stem cell research

2. What is your personal connection to and interest in this topic?
I have a small ‘personal’ connection to cloning. It is a contemporary topic that generates a lot of debate both medically and religiously.

3. What opinions do you already hold about this topic?
I don’t think human cloning should be legal but I understand it could possibly lead to some amazing medical breakthroughs that could help many people. The negative consequences outweigh the possible benefits.

4. What knowledge do you already have about this topic?
I know only the basics of cloning. I want to learn more so that I can have a strong foundation for my beliefs rather than pure opinion and speculation.

5. What are your main questions about this topic? What are you most curious about?
What are the possible alternatives to cloning? Science today is progressing so fast there must be some way to treat horrible medical conditions without exploiting and destroying (killing) life.

6. Within what scholarly discipline (such as history, biology, psychology) do you expect to do most of your research? How does this discipline approach or study this topic?
My research will begin scientifically. No one should make a statement or an
argument without knowing as much as they can on that topic. After I gain as much knowledge as I can scientifically I hope to move on to the moral side of the argument, figure out why a topic seeming so scientific can cause debate in every age bracket, income level and every major religion.

7. How could you research this topic outside the library (for example, through interviews and/or observations)?
Everyone knows about cloning, but not everyone understands it the same way. I could go up to any student on campus and get their opinion on cloning, but that would only prove people know what cloning is and that people have opinions. It won’t prove each students has the knowledge to have an educated opinion

Part II: Focusing
Write an initial claim, or an open-ended question, to guide your research on this topic. Make it specific but exploratory. Remember that a good claim opens up an area of inquiry about a topic; a claim should invite evidence, support, and debate.

How is cloning related to stem cell research and what are the physical and moral repercussions individually and as a whole?